• Guía de estudio del Antiguo Testamento, parte 3: Los profetas del Antiguo Testamento. Este volumen es el tercero de tres sobre el Antiguo Testamento. Es un volumen inusualmente grande que incluye casi todos los profetas del Antiguo Testamento, sus enseñanzas y advertencias a su gente, y sus profecías de la venida del Mesías y los últimos días. Abarca el período de la Biblia desde el final del reinado de Salomón hasta el final del Antiguo Testamento, incluyendo los ministerios de Jonás, Miqueas, Oseas, Amós, Joel, Isaías, Jeremías, Ezequiel, Ester, Daniel, Esdras, Ageo, Nehemías, Zacarías y Malaquías (Elías y Eliseo fueron tratados en el Volumen 8).

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    Guía de estudio del Antiguo Testamento, parte 3: Los profetas del Antiguo Testamento. Este volumen es el tercero de tres sobre el Antiguo Testamento. Es un volumen inusualmente grande que incluye casi todos los profetas del Antiguo Testamento, sus enseñanzas y advertencias a su gente, y sus profecías de la venida del Mesías y los últimos días. Abarca el período de la Biblia desde el final del reinado de Salomón hasta el final del Antiguo Testamento, incluyendo los ministerios de Jonás, Miqueas, Oseas, Amós, Joel, Isaías, Jeremías, Ezequiel, Ester, Daniel, Esdras, Ageo, Nehemías, Zacarías y Malaquías (Elías y Eliseo fueron tratados en el Volumen 8).

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  • Old Testament Lesson 04, Audio – Lecture Recording: Abraham – Father of the Faithful (Gen 12-23, Abr 1-2). Recorded lecture delivered on 2010-02-24

    Old Testament Lesson 04, Audio - Lecture Recording: Abraham - Father of the Faithful (Gen 12-23, Abr 1-2). Recorded lecture delivered on 2010-02-24

  • Old Testament Lesson 04, Handout Packet: Abraham – Father of the Faithful (Gen 12-23, Abr 1-2).

    Old Testament Lesson 04, Handout Packet: Abraham - Father of the Faithful (Gen 12-23, Abr 1-2).

  • Old Testament Lesson 04, Lesson Plan: Abraham – Father of the Faithful (Gen 12-23, Abr 1-2).

    Old Testament Lesson 04, Lesson Plan: Abraham - Father of the Faithful (Gen 12-23, Abr 1-2).

  • Pearl of Great Price Lesson 10, Lesson Plan: Introduction to the Book of Abraham; Rescued by Jehovah (Abr 1; Facsimile 1). Recorded lecture delivered on 2011-08-10

    Pearl of Great Price Lesson 10, Lesson Plan: Introduction to the Book of Abraham; Rescued by Jehovah (Abr 1; Facsimile 1). Recorded lecture delivered on 2011-08-10

  • Pearl of Great Price Lesson 10, Handout Packet: Introduction to the Book of Abraham; Rescued by Jehovah (Abr 1; Facsimile 1).

    Pearl of Great Price Lesson 10, Handout Packet: Introduction to the Book of Abraham; Rescued by Jehovah (Abr 1; Facsimile 1).

  • Pearl of Great Price Lesson 10, PowerPoint: Introduction to the Book of Abraham; Rescued by Jehovah (Abr 1; Facsimile 1).

    Pearl of Great Price Lesson 10, PowerPoint: Introduction to the Book of Abraham; Rescued by Jehovah (Abr 1; Facsimile 1).

  • Pearl of Great Price Lesson 11, Lesson Plan: The Abrahamic Covenant; Abraham’s Journey to Canaan (Abr 2-3). Recorded lecture delivered on 2011-08-17

    Pearl of Great Price Lesson 11, Lesson Plan: The Abrahamic Covenant; Abraham's Journey to Canaan (Abr 2-3). Recorded lecture delivered on 2011-08-17

  • Pearl of Great Price Lesson 11, Handout Packet: The Abrahamic Covenant; Abraham’s Journey to Canaan (Abr 2-3).

    Pearl of Great Price Lesson 11, Handout Packet: The Abrahamic Covenant; Abraham's Journey to Canaan (Abr 2-3).

  • Pearl of Great Price Lesson 12, Lesson Plan: Abraham’s Visions; Abraham Teaches the Egyptians (Abr 4-5; Facsimiles 2-3). Recorded lecture delivered on 2011-08-24

    Pearl of Great Price Lesson 12, Lesson Plan: Abraham's Visions; Abraham Teaches the Egyptians (Abr 4-5; Facsimiles 2-3). Recorded lecture delivered on 2011-08-24

  • Pearl of Great Price Lesson 12, Handout Packet: Abraham’s Visions; Abraham Teaches the Egyptians (Abr 4-5; Facsimiles 2-3).

    Pearl of Great Price Lesson 12, Handout Packet: Abraham's Visions; Abraham Teaches the Egyptians (Abr 4-5; Facsimiles 2-3).

  • Pearl of Great Price Lesson 12, PowerPoint: Abraham’s Visions; Abraham Teaches the Egyptians (Abr 4-5; Facsimiles 2-3).

    Pearl of Great Price Lesson 12, PowerPoint: Abraham's Visions; Abraham Teaches the Egyptians (Abr 4-5; Facsimiles 2-3).

  • We read Moses’ counsel to his people during the final days before his translation. We follow the children of Israel into the Promised Land under the leadership of Joshua, beginning at Jericho and ending with the total conquering of all the lands promised to Abraham. We are introduced to the Judge-Heroes, including but not limited to Gideon, Deborah, and Samson. We read of the rise of the prophet Samuel and reigns of Saul, David, and Solomon.

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    We read Moses’ counsel to his people during the final days before his translation. We follow the children of Israel into the Promised Land under the leadership of Joshua, beginning at Jericho and ending with the total conquering of all the lands promised to Abraham. We are introduced to the Judge-Heroes, including but not limited to Gideon, Deborah, and Samson. We read of the rise of the prophet Samuel and reigns of Saul, David, and Solomon.

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