Old Testament Lesson 12, PowerPoint: Israel’s Wilderness Wanderings (Numbers).
Old Testament Lesson 11, PowerPoint: Laws of Mercy and Righteousness (Leviticus 19-27).
Old Testament Lesson 10, PowerPoint: Sacrifices and the Carnal Commandments (Leviticus 1-18).
Old Testament Lesson 09, PowerPoint: The Wilderness Tabernacle (Exodus 25-31, 35-40).
New Testament Lesson 30, PowerPoint: John’s Visions and Prophecies (Revelation 4-22).
New Testament Lesson 29, PowerPoint: Understanding John’s Revelation (Revelation 1-3, 12).
New Testament Lesson 28, PowerPoint: The Epistles of John and Jude (1-3 John; Jude).
New Testament Lesson 27, PowerPoint: The Epistles of Peter (1 & 2 Peter).
New Testament Lesson 26, PowerPoint: The Epistle of James (James).
New Testament Lesson 25, PowerPoint: Paul’s Pastoral Epistles and Death (1 & 2 Timothy; Titus).
New Testament Lesson 24, PowerPoint: Paul Between Imprisonments (Hebrews).
New Testament Lesson 23, PowerPoint: Paul at Jerusalem; Journey to Rome (Acts 21-28, Colossians; Philemon; Philppians, Ephesians).