Old Testament Lesson 16, Lesson Plan: Samuel and Saul; the Rise of King David (1 Samuel).
Old Testament Lesson 15, Lesson Plan: Apostasy and the Judge-Heroes of Israel (Judges; Ruth).
Old Testament Lesson 13, Lesson Plan: Moses’ Exhortation to Obedience (Deutermonomy).
Old Testament Lesson 12, Lesson Plan: Israel’s Wilderness Wanderings (Numbers).
Old Testament Lesson 11, Lesson Plan: Laws of Mercy and Righteousness (Leviticus 19-27).
Old Testament Lesson 10, Lesson Plan: Sacrifices and the Carnal Commandments (Leviticus 1-18).
Old Testament Lesson 09, Lesson Plan: The Wilderness Tabernacle (Exodus 25-31, 35-40).
Old Testament Lesson 08, Lesson Plan: The Ten Commandments and the Law of Moses (Exodus 20-24, 31-34).
Old Testament Lesson 43, Lesson Plan: The Old Testament Closes; Between the Testaments (Special Lesson).
Old Testament Lesson 42, Lesson Plan: Tithing, Elijah, and the Great Day of the Lord (Malachi).
Old Testament Lesson 41, Lesson Plan: Armageddon, the Second Coming, and the Millennium (Zechariah; Joel).
Old Testament Lesson 40, Lesson Plan: Rebuilding Walls and Wills (Nehemiah).