• Book of Mormon Lesson 01, Audio – Lecture Recording: Introduction – The Keystone of Our Religion. Recorded lecture delivered on 2012-01-11

    Book of Mormon Lesson 01, Audio - Lecture Recording: Introduction - The Keystone of Our Religion. Recorded lecture delivered on 2012-01-11

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 02, Audio – Lecture Recording: Revelation, Obedience, Tree of Life (1 Nephi 1-10). Recorded lecture delivered on 2012-01-18

    Book of Mormon Lesson 02, Audio - Lecture Recording: Revelation, Obedience, Tree of Life (1 Nephi 1-10). Recorded lecture delivered on 2012-01-18

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 03, Audio – Lecture Recording: Nephi’s Visions, Adversity, Righteousness (1 Nephi 11-19, 22).  Recorded lecture delivered on 2012-01-25

    Book of Mormon Lesson 03, Audio - Lecture Recording: Nephi's Visions, Adversity, Righteousness (1 Nephi 11-19, 22).  Recorded lecture delivered on 2012-01-25

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 04, Audio – Lecture Recording: Lehi Blesses, Nephites Depart, Jacob Teaches (2 Nephi 1-6, 9-10). Recorded lecture delivered on 2008-01-30

    Book of Mormon Lesson 04, Audio - Lecture Recording: Lehi Blesses, Nephites Depart, Jacob Teaches (2 Nephi 1-6, 9-10). Recorded lecture delivered on 2008-01-30

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 05, Audio – Lecture Recording: Interpreting Isaiah (Isaiah 48-511 Nephi 20-21, 2 Nephi 7-8).  Recorded lecture delivered on 2008-02-06

    Book of Mormon Lesson 05, Audio - Lecture Recording: Interpreting Isaiah (Isaiah 48-511 Nephi 20-21, 2 Nephi 7-8).  Recorded lecture delivered on 2008-02-06

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 06, Audio – Lecture Recording: Isaiah in the Book of Mormon (Isaiah 2-142 Nephi 11-25). Recorded lecture delivered on 2012-02-15

    Book of Mormon Lesson 06, Audio - Lecture Recording: Isaiah in the Book of Mormon (Isaiah 2-142 Nephi 11-25). Recorded lecture delivered on 2012-02-15

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 07, Audio – Lecture Recording: Nephi’s Prophecies and Testimony (2 Nephi 26-33). Recorded lecture delivered on 2012-02-22

    Book of Mormon Lesson 07, Audio - Lecture Recording: Nephi's Prophecies and Testimony (2 Nephi 26-33). Recorded lecture delivered on 2012-02-22

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 08, Audio – Lecture Recording: Jacob and the Allegory of Zenos (Jacob 1-7). Recorded lecture delivered on 2012-02-29

    Book of Mormon Lesson 08, Audio - Lecture Recording: Jacob and the Allegory of Zenos (Jacob 1-7). Recorded lecture delivered on 2012-02-29

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 09, Audio – Lecture Recording: Personal Prayer and God’s Foreknowledge (Enos to Words of Mormon). Recorded lecture delivered on 2012-03-07

    Book of Mormon Lesson 09, Audio - Lecture Recording: Personal Prayer and God's Foreknowledge (Enos to Words of Mormon). Recorded lecture delivered on 2012-03-07

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 10, Audio – Lecture Recording: King Benjamin’s Final Sermon (Mosiah 1-6). Recorded lecture delivered on 2012-03-21

    Book of Mormon Lesson 10, Audio - Lecture Recording: King Benjamin's Final Sermon (Mosiah 1-6). Recorded lecture delivered on 2012-03-21

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 11, Audio – Lecture Recording: Zeniff, Noah, Abinadi, and Alma (Isaiah 53Mosiah 9-17). Recorded lecture delivered on 2012-03-28

    Book of Mormon Lesson 11, Audio - Lecture Recording: Zeniff, Noah, Abinadi, and Alma (Isaiah 53Mosiah 9-17). Recorded lecture delivered on 2012-03-28

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 12, Audio – Lecture Recording: Nephite Bondage and Liberation (Mosiah 7-8, 18-24). Recorded lecture delivered on 2012-04-04

    Book of Mormon Lesson 12, Audio - Lecture Recording: Nephite Bondage and Liberation (Mosiah 7-8, 18-24). Recorded lecture delivered on 2012-04-04

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 13, Audio – Lecture Recording: Alma the Younger’s Conversion (Mosiah 25-28, Alma 36). Recorded lecture delivered on 2012-04-11

    Book of Mormon Lesson 13, Audio - Lecture Recording: Alma the Younger's Conversion (Mosiah 25-28, Alma 36). Recorded lecture delivered on 2012-04-11

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 14, Audio – Lecture Recording: The Reign of Judges and Alma’s Checklist (Mosiah 29, Alma 1-7). (Recorded lecture delivered on 2012-0418)

    Book of Mormon Lesson 14, Audio - Lecture Recording: The Reign of Judges and Alma's Checklist (Mosiah 29, Alma 1-7). (Recorded lecture delivered on 2012-0418)

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 15, Audio – Lecture Recording: Alma and Amulek in Ammonihah (Alma 8-16).  Recorded lecture delivered on 2012-04-25

    Book of Mormon Lesson 15, Audio - Lecture Recording: Alma and Amulek in Ammonihah (Alma 8-16).  Recorded lecture delivered on 2012-04-25

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 16, Audio – Lecture Recording: The Missions of the Sons of Mosiah (Alma 17-22). Recorded lecture delivered on 2012-08-29

    Book of Mormon Lesson 16, Audio - Lecture Recording: The Missions of the Sons of Mosiah (Alma 17-22). Recorded lecture delivered on 2012-08-29

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 17, Audio – Lecture Recording: Book of Mormon Geography and the Anti-Nephi-Lehies (Alma 22-29). Recorded lecture delivered on 2012-09-05

    Book of Mormon Lesson 17, Audio - Lecture Recording: Book of Mormon Geography and the Anti-Nephi-Lehies (Alma 22-29). Recorded lecture delivered on 2012-09-05

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 18, Audio – Lecture Recording: Korihor, the Zoramites, and Nourishing with the Word (Alma 30-35). Recorded lecture delivered on 2012-09-05

    Book of Mormon Lesson 18, Audio - Lecture Recording: Korihor, the Zoramites, and Nourishing with the Word (Alma 30-35). Recorded lecture delivered on 2012-09-05

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 19, Audio – Lecture Recording: Alma’s Counsel and the Great Plan of Happiness (Alma 36-42). (Recorded lecture delivered on 2012-0905)

    Book of Mormon Lesson 19, Audio - Lecture Recording: Alma's Counsel and the Great Plan of Happiness (Alma 36-42). (Recorded lecture delivered on 2012-0905)

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 20, Audio – Lecture Recording: Captain Moroni and the Causes of War (Alma 43-49). (Recorded lecture delivered on 2012-0905)

    Book of Mormon Lesson 20, Audio - Lecture Recording: Captain Moroni and the Causes of War (Alma 43-49). (Recorded lecture delivered on 2012-0905)

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 21, Audio – Lecture Recording: Kingmen, Freemen, and the Stripling Warriors (Alma 50-58). (Recorded lecture delivered on 2012-0905)

    Book of Mormon Lesson 21, Audio - Lecture Recording: Kingmen, Freemen, and the Stripling Warriors (Alma 50-58). (Recorded lecture delivered on 2012-0905)

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 22, Audio – Lecture Recording: Moroni-Pahoran Letters and the Gadianton Robbers (Alma 59 to Helaman 4). (Recorded lecture delivered on 2012-0905)

    Book of Mormon Lesson 22, Audio - Lecture Recording: Moroni-Pahoran Letters and the Gadianton Robbers (Alma 59 to Helaman 4). (Recorded lecture delivered on 2012-0905)

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 23, Audio – Lecture Recording: Nephi, Lehi, and the Pride Cycle (Helaman 5-12). Recorded lecture delivered on 2012-09-05.

    Book of Mormon Lesson 23, Audio - Lecture Recording: Nephi, Lehi, and the Pride Cycle (Helaman 5-12). Recorded lecture delivered on 2012-09-05.

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 24, Audio – Lecture Recording: Samuel the Lamanite (Helaman 13 to 3 Nephi 5).  Recorded lecture delivered on 2012-09-05.

    Book of Mormon Lesson 24, Audio - Lecture Recording: Samuel the Lamanite (Helaman 13 to 3 Nephi 5).  Recorded lecture delivered on 2012-09-05.

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 25, Audio – Lecture Recording: Great Destruction; Christ Descends and Teaches Beatitudes (3 Nephi 6-14).  Recorded lecture delivered on 2012-09-05

    Book of Mormon Lesson 25, Audio - Lecture Recording: Great Destruction; Christ Descends and Teaches Beatitudes (3 Nephi 6-14).  Recorded lecture delivered on 2012-09-05

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 26, Audio – Lecture Recording: Christ Teaches, Heals, Blesses, and Prays (3 Nephi 15-21). (Recorded lecture delivered on 2012-0905)

    Book of Mormon Lesson 26, Audio - Lecture Recording: Christ Teaches, Heals, Blesses, and Prays (3 Nephi 15-21). (Recorded lecture delivered on 2012-0905)

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 27, Audio – Lecture Recording: Three Nephites, A Zion People, then Decline (Isaiah 543 Nephi 22 to 4 Nephi). (Recorded lecture delivered on 2012-0905)

    Book of Mormon Lesson 27, Audio - Lecture Recording: Three Nephites, A Zion People, then Decline (Isaiah 543 Nephi 22 to 4 Nephi). (Recorded lecture delivered on 2012-0905)

  • Mormon’s Final Teachings (Mormon 1-7, Moroni 9). Audio recorded lecture delivered on 2012-09-05

    Mormon's Final Teachings (Mormon 1-7, Moroni 9). Audio recorded lecture delivered on 2012-09-05

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 29, Audio – Lecture Recording: The Rise and Fall of the Jaredites (Ether 1-15).  Recorded lecture delivered on 2012-09-05.

    Book of Mormon Lesson 29, Audio - Lecture Recording: The Rise and Fall of the Jaredites (Ether 1-15).  Recorded lecture delivered on 2012-09-05.

  • Book of Mormon Lesson 30, Audio – Lecture Recording: Moroni’s Teachings and Testimony (Mormon 8-9, Moroni 1-8, 10). Recorded lecture delivered on 2012-09-05.

    Book of Mormon Lesson 30, Audio - Lecture Recording: Moroni's Teachings and Testimony (Mormon 8-9, Moroni 1-8, 10). Recorded lecture delivered on 2012-09-05.

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