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  • Pearl of Great Price Lesson 10, Lesson Plan: Introduction to the Book of Abraham; Rescued by Jehovah (Abr 1; Facsimile 1). Recorded lecture delivered on 2011-08-10

    Pearl of Great Price Lesson 10, Lesson Plan: Introduction to the Book of Abraham; Rescued by Jehovah (Abr 1; Facsimile 1). Recorded lecture delivered on 2011-08-10

  • Pearl of Great Price Lesson 11, Lesson Plan: The Abrahamic Covenant; Abraham’s Journey to Canaan (Abr 2-3). Recorded lecture delivered on 2011-08-17

    Pearl of Great Price Lesson 11, Lesson Plan: The Abrahamic Covenant; Abraham's Journey to Canaan (Abr 2-3). Recorded lecture delivered on 2011-08-17

  • Pearl of Great Price Lesson 15, Audio – Lecture Recording: The Articles of Faith (Articles of Faith 1-13). Recorded lecture delivered on 2011-08-31

    Pearl of Great Price Lesson 15, Audio - Lecture Recording: The Articles of Faith (Articles of Faith 1-13). Recorded lecture delivered on 2011-08-31

  • Pearl of Great Price Lesson 09, Audio – Lecture Recording: Patriarchs through Noah; Before and After the Flood (Moses 8). Recorded lecture delivered on 2011-0803-

    Pearl of Great Price Lesson 09, Audio - Lecture Recording: Patriarchs through Noah; Before and After the Flood (Moses 8). Recorded lecture delivered on 2011-0803-

  • Pearl of Great Price Lesson 05, Audio – Lecture Recording: Adam and Eve’s Fall and Its Consequences (Moses 4). Recorded lecture delivered on 2011-07-06

    Pearl of Great Price Lesson 05, Audio - Lecture Recording: Adam and Eve's Fall and Its Consequences (Moses 4). Recorded lecture delivered on 2011-07-06

  • Pearl of Great Price Lesson 06, Audio – Lecture Recording: Adam and Eve & the Gospel; Cain Loves Satan More Than God (Moses 5). Recorded lecture delivered on 2011-07-13

    Pearl of Great Price Lesson 06, Audio - Lecture Recording: Adam and Eve & the Gospel; Cain Loves Satan More Than God (Moses 5). Recorded lecture delivered on 2011-07-13

  • Pearl of Great Price Lesson 07, Audio – Lecture Recording: Patriarchs from Adam to Enoch; Enoch’s Call and Teachings (Moses 6). Recorded lecture delivered on 2011-07-20

    Pearl of Great Price Lesson 07, Audio - Lecture Recording: Patriarchs from Adam to Enoch; Enoch's Call and Teachings (Moses 6). Recorded lecture delivered on 2011-07-20

  • Pearl of Great Price Lesson 08, Audio – Lecture Recording: Enoch’s Visions and the City of Zion (Moses 7). Recorded lecture delivered on 2011-07-27

    Pearl of Great Price Lesson 08, Audio - Lecture Recording: Enoch's Visions and the City of Zion (Moses 7). Recorded lecture delivered on 2011-07-27

  • Pearl of Great Price Lesson 02, Audio – Lecture Recording: Moses Sees God, Satan, and the Works of God (Moses 1). Recorded lecture delivered on 2011-06-15

    Pearl of Great Price Lesson 02, Audio - Lecture Recording: Moses Sees God, Satan, and the Works of God (Moses 1). Recorded lecture delivered on 2011-06-15

  • Pearl of Great Price Lesson 03, Audio – Lecture Recording: The Physical Creation of the Earth, Adam, and Eve (Moses 2).  Recorded lecture delivered on 2011-06-22

    Pearl of Great Price Lesson 03, Audio - Lecture Recording: The Physical Creation of the Earth, Adam, and Eve (Moses 2).  Recorded lecture delivered on 2011-06-22

  • Pearl of Great Price Lesson 04, Audio – Lecture Recording: Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden; Agency (Moses 3). Recorded lecture delivered on 2011-06-29

    Pearl of Great Price Lesson 04, Audio - Lecture Recording: Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden; Agency (Moses 3). Recorded lecture delivered on 2011-06-29

  • Old Testament Lesson 42, Audio – Lecture Recording: Tithing, Elijah, and the Great Day of the Lord (Malachi). Recorded lecture delivered on 2011-05-25

    Old Testament Lesson 42, Audio - Lecture Recording: Tithing, Elijah, and the Great Day of the Lord (Malachi). Recorded lecture delivered on 2011-05-25

  • Old Testament Lesson 43, Audio – Lecture Recording: The Old Testament Closes; Between the Testaments (Special Lesson). Recorded lecture delivered on 2011-06-01

    Old Testament Lesson 43, Audio - Lecture Recording: The Old Testament Closes; Between the Testaments (Special Lesson). Recorded lecture delivered on 2011-06-01

  • Pearl of Great Price Lesson 01, Audio – Lecture Recording: Intro to the Pearl of Great Price; the Book of Moses (Introductory Lesson). Recorded lecture delivered on 2011-06-08

    Pearl of Great Price Lesson 01, Audio - Lecture Recording: Intro to the Pearl of Great Price; the Book of Moses (Introductory Lesson). Recorded lecture delivered on 2011-06-08

  • Old Testament Lesson 37, Audio – Lecture Recording: Daniel – Companion of Kings (Daniel). Recorded lecture delivered on 2010-11-10

    Old Testament Lesson 37, Audio - Lecture Recording: Daniel - Companion of Kings (Daniel). Recorded lecture delivered on 2010-11-10

  • Old Testament Lesson 38, Audio – Lecture Recording: Esther – Queen and People’s Advocate (Esther). Recorded lecture delivered on 2010-11-17

    Old Testament Lesson 38, Audio - Lecture Recording: Esther - Queen and People's Advocate (Esther). Recorded lecture delivered on 2010-11-17

  • Old Testament Lesson 39, Audio – Lecture Recording: The Exiles Return and Rebuild the Temple (Ezra; Haggai). Recorded lecture delivered on 2010-12-01

    Old Testament Lesson 39, Audio - Lecture Recording: The Exiles Return and Rebuild the Temple (Ezra; Haggai). Recorded lecture delivered on 2010-12-01

  • Old Testament Lesson 40, Audio – Lecture Recording: Rebuilding Walls and Wills (Nehemiah). Recorded lecture delivered on 2010-12-08

    Old Testament Lesson 40, Audio - Lecture Recording: Rebuilding Walls and Wills (Nehemiah). Recorded lecture delivered on 2010-12-08

  • Old Testament Lesson 41, Audio – Lecture Recording: Armageddon, the Second Coming, and the Millennium (Zechariah; Joel). Recorded lecture delivered on 2011-05-18

    Old Testament Lesson 41, Audio - Lecture Recording: Armageddon, the Second Coming, and the Millennium (Zechariah; Joel). Recorded lecture delivered on 2011-05-18

  • Old Testament Lesson 33, Audio – Lecture Recording: Jeremiah Pt. 2 – Babylonian Captivity (Jer 27-29, 32, 34, 37-39, 40-44, 46, 52, Lamentations. Recorded lecture delivered on 2010-10-13

    Old Testament Lesson 33, Audio - Lecture Recording: Jeremiah Pt. 2 - Babylonian Captivity (Jer 27-29, 32, 34, 37-39, 40-44, 46, 52, Lamentations. Recorded lecture delivered on 2010-10-13

  • Old Testament Lesson 34, Audio – Lecture Recording: Jeremiah Pt. 3 – The Latter-Day Gathering (Jeremiah 3, 23, 30-33, 46-51, Obadiah). Recorded lecture delivered on 2010-10-20

    Old Testament Lesson 34, Audio - Lecture Recording: Jeremiah Pt. 3 - The Latter-Day Gathering (Jeremiah 3, 23, 30-33, 46-51, Obadiah). Recorded lecture delivered on 2010-10-20

  • Old Testament Lesson 35, Audio – Lecture Recording: Ezekiel Pt. 1 – Watchman of Israel (Ezekiel 1-24, 33-34). Recorded lecture delivered on 2010-10-27

    Old Testament Lesson 35, Audio - Lecture Recording: Ezekiel Pt. 1 - Watchman of Israel (Ezekiel 1-24, 33-34). Recorded lecture delivered on 2010-10-27

  • Old Testament Lesson 36, Audio – Lecture Recording: Ezekiel Pt. 2 – Latter-Day Prophecies (Ezekiel 25-32, 35-48). Recorded lecture delivered on 2010-11-03

    Old Testament Lesson 36, Audio - Lecture Recording: Ezekiel Pt. 2 - Latter-Day Prophecies (Ezekiel 25-32, 35-48). Recorded lecture delivered on 2010-11-03

  • Old Testament Lesson 30, Audio – Lecture Recording: Isaiah Pt. 6 – The Last Days and the Millennium (Isaiah 55-66).  Recorded lecture delivered on 2010-09-22

    Old Testament Lesson 30, Audio - Lecture Recording: Isaiah Pt. 6 - The Last Days and the Millennium (Isaiah 55-66).  Recorded lecture delivered on 2010-09-22

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