• Guía de estudio de la historia de la Iglesia, parte 2: 1831-1844. Este volumen es el segundo de tres sobre la Historia de la Iglesia y de la Doctrina y Convenios. Cubre la Historia de la Iglesia durante los períodos de Kirtland y Missouri, incluyendo una serie de impresionantes revelaciones sobre los templos, el Plan de Salvación, los tres reinos de gloria, la Segunda Venida, los principios del poder del sacerdocio, la Palabra de la Sabiduría, y la Ley de la Iglesia. También aprendemos sobre el ayuno, el diezmo, la obra misional y el perseverar hasta el final.

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  • Guía de estudio de la historia de la Iglesia, parte 1: 1805-1832. Este volumen es el primero de tres sobre Historia de la Iglesia y Doctrina y Convenios. Cubre la historia de la Iglesia y las revelaciones en Doctrina y Convenios desde el nacimiento de José Smith en 1805 hasta los comienzos de los períodos de Kirtland y Missouri. Aprendemos acerca de la Primera Visión, la aparición del Libro de Mormón, la restauración del sacerdocio y muchas revelaciones tempranas dadas a miembros individuales de la Iglesia.

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  • Establishing Zion: Preparing the Earth for the Return of Jesus Christ is a review of all the Zion societies that have been attempted and/or achieved since the Zion of Enoch. This includes the Zion of Enoch, the Zion of Melchizedek, the attempted Zion of Moses, the Zion of the early Christian Church, and the Zion achieved by the Nephites in the New World. The book then discusses the attempt in our own last days to establish a Zion society in anticipation of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ to the earth.

  • Estableciendo Sión


    Una revisión de todas las sociedades de Sión que se han intentado y/o logrado desde la Sión de Enoc. Esto incluye el Sión de Enoc, el Sión de Melquisedec, el intento de Sión de Moisés, el Sión de la Iglesia cristiana primitiva y el Sión logrado por los nefitas en el Nuevo Mundo.

  • Elements of Effective Communication is a textbook for Communication 1010, an introductory course in interpersonal and business communication. The course covers all aspects of human communication, including relationships, group communication, organizational communication, public speaking, rhetoric, mass communication, and communication with the new social media. The course is most appropriate for students who major in a subject other than communication but who need education in the fundamentals of human communication in all of its contexts.

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  • This volume is the third of three on Church History and the Doctrine and Covenants. It covers Church history during the administration of all of its Prophet-Prophets since Joseph Smith. It begins with the succession of the Apostles after Joseph Smith’s martyrdom, the building of the Nauvoo Temple, and the trek to the west of the Latter-day Saint pioneers.

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  • Making Precious Things Plain, Vol. 5 – Covering Church history during the Kirtland and Missouri periods, including a series of breathtaking revelations on temples, the Plan of Salvation, the three kingdoms of glory, the Second Coming, principles of priesthood power, the Word of Wisdom, and the Law of the Church. We also learn about fasting, tithing, missionary work, and enduring to the end.

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  • It covers Church history and the revelations in the Doctrine and Covenants from the birth of Joseph Smith in 1805 through the beginnings of the Kirtland and Missouri periods. We learn concerning the First Vision, the coming forth of the Book of Mormon, the restoration of the priesthood, and many early revelations given to individual members of the Church.

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  • A companion to your study of Latter-Day Saint Church History and the Doctrine and Covenants, these three study guides from the Making Precious Things Plain Series are a rich resource for teachers, students, and gospel scholars alike. In these three volumes full of supplemental material, Dr. Randal Chase, a veteran Institute and Gospel Doctrine teacher, shares years of insights into the scriptures by exploring the historical context within which the Doctrine and Covenants was revealed in these latter days, providing new depth and understanding.

  • A companion to your study of the Book of Mormon, the Book of Mormon Study Guides from the Making Precious Things Plain Series are a rich resource for teachers, students, and gospel scholars alike. In addition, an essential new study guide for the challenging words of the man who Nephi called “the Prophet,” and whose teachings the Savior commanded us to read.

  • Book of Mormon Study Guides, Pts. 1-3. A companion to your study of the Book of Mormon, the Book of Mormon Study Guides from the Making Precious Things Plain Series are a rich resource for teachers, students, and gospel scholars alike. In these three volumes full of supplemental material, Dr. Randal Chase, a veteran Institute and Gospel Doctrine teacher, shares years of insights into the scriptures by exploring scriptural symbolism, background, culture, and chronology, as well as the words and teachings of gospel authorities. These unique study guides of the Book of Mormon provide new depth and understanding to the scriptures.

  • This includes the period of great wickedness just prior to the coming of Christ. We read of the missions of Nephi and Lehi, followed by Samuel the Lamanite. The signs of Christ’s birth and death are given, followed by their fulfillment. Great destruction occurs on the American continent, and only the righteous survive in the Land of Bountiful. Christ appears to the Nephites, teaches and heals them, organizes His Church and ordains 12 disciples to lead them.

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