what-eer-thou-artWhat E’er Thou Art, Act Well Thy Part

Elaine S. Dalton gave a talk titled, “We Are Daughters of Our Heavenly Father” in the 2013 April General Conference. She talked about how she was traveling in Scotland with a dance group and was feeling discouraged because of the recent death of her father. She saw this saying on a stone in a well-kept garden. Of this quote she said, “That simple statement renewed my vision that Heavenly Father knew me and had a plan for my life, and the spirit I felt helped me understand that my part mattered.”

Magic SquareLater she learned that this saying had once motivated the prophet David O. McKay while he was serving as a missionary in Scotland. “He had seen it on a stone on a building at a discouraging time in his life and on his mission, and the words lifted him. Years later as the building was being torn down, he made arrangements to obtain the stone and had it placed in the garden at the mission home.”

Read the full talk given by Elaine S. Dalton here: