Old Testament Study Guide Set, Pts. 1-3


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In these three volumes full of supplemental material, Dr. Randal Chase, a veteran Institute and Gospel Doctrine teacher, shares years of insights into the scriptures by exploring scriptural symbolism, background, culture, and chronology, as well as the words and teachings of gospel authorities.

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A companion to your study of the Old Testament, the Old Testament Study Guides from the Making Precious Things Plain Series are a rich resource for teachers, students, and gospel scholars alike. In these three volumes full of supplemental material, Dr. Randal Chase, a veteran Institute and Gospel Doctrine teacher, shares years of insights into the scriptures by exploring scriptural symbolism, background, culture, and chronology, as well as the words and teachings of gospel authorities. These unique study guides of the Old Testament provide new depth and understanding to the scriptures. Readers will enjoy Dr. Chase’s relaxed style and easy presentation as they gather information, clarification, and quotes that can be used for either private study or public speaking. These unique study guides will be a welcome addition to any library, and they will broaden your comprehension of the “First Testament of Jesus Christ.” The many beloved stories of the Old Testament come to life in understandable form as we read of Jehovah’s dealings with early mankind—from the creation through the many prophets and kings to the final words of Malachi. Dr. Chase has also released 3 volumes each on the Book of Mormon, Church History, and the New Testament.


** Studying the Old Testament (D&C 1)
1. The Lord’s Work and Glory (Moses 1)
2. The Council in Heaven (Abraham 3; Moses 4:1-4)
3. The Creation (Moses 1:27-42; 2-3)
4. The Fall of Adam & Eve (Moses 4:51-55; 6:48-62)
5. Cain & Abel; the prophet Enoch (Moses 5-7)
6. Noah & the Ark; Tower of Babel (Moses 8; Genesis 6-9, 11)
7. The Abrahamic Covenant (Abraham 1-2; Genesis 12, 17)
8. Abraham’s Faithful Example (Genesis 13-14, 18-19)
9. Abraham & Isaac’s Great Test (Abraham 1; Genesis 15-17, 21-22)
10. Isaac, Jacob, & Twelve Tribes of Israel (Genesis 24-29)
11. Joseph’s Captivity & Integrity (Genesis 34, 37-39)
12. Joseph’s Greatness and Legacy (Genesis 40-45)
13. Moses, Passover, & the Exodus (Exodus 1-3, 5-6, 11-14)
14. Israel’s Covenant Opportunity (Exodus 12-20, 32-34)
** 10 Commandments & Laws of Moses (Exodus 20-24, 32-34)
** The Wilderness Tabernacle (Exodus 25-31, 35-40)
** Sacrifices and Carnal Commandments (Levi 1-18)
15. Israel’s Wilderness Wanderings (Numbers 11-14, 21)
16. True Prophets Do Only God’s Will (Numbers 22-24; 31:1-16)
** Special chapters providing additional information


17. Moses’ Exhortations to Obedience (Deuteronomy)
17a. Moses’ 1st Speech: Israel’s Experiences/Choices (Deut 1–4)
17b. Moses’ 2nd Speech: Reviewing the Law (Deut 5–25)
17c. Moses’ 3rd Speech: Prophesies, Blessings, Cursing (Deut 26–30)
18. Joshua Leads Israel into the Promised Land (Joshua)
19. Apostasy and the Judge-Heroes of Israel (Judges)
20. Ruth and Hannah’s Examples of Righteousness (Ruth; 1 Sam 1)
21. Samuel and Saul (1Sam 2–8;1Chr 9–16)
22. King Saul and the Rise of David (1 Samuel 9–17)
23. King David: Saul’s Hatred/Jonathan’s Friendship (1 Samuel 18–31)
24. King David’s Rule, Fall, & Remorse (2 Samuel)
25. King David’s Artistic Legacy (Psalms)
26. King Solomon’s Rise & Fall (1 Kings 1–11)
27. Israel Divided; Sinks into Apostasy/Captivity (1 Kings 12–16; 2 Kings 1–24; 2 Chronicles 12–20)
28. The Prophet Elijah (1 Kings 17–22; 2 Kings 1)
29. The Prophet Elisha (2 Kings 2–13)
30. The Temple of Solomon (1 Kings 5–9; 2 Chronicles 29–34)
31. The Wisdom of Solomon (Proverbs; Eccles)
32. Job’s Adversity (Job)


An Introduction to the Prophets

33a. Jonah: Saving All of God’s Children (Jonah)
33b. Micah: Scattering, Gathering, & the Messiah (Micah)
34. Hosea: The Marriage Metaphor (Hosea)
35a. Amos: Revealing God’s Secrets (Amos)
35b. Joel: An Uncertain Time (See chapter 48b below)

Understanding Isaiah

36a. Isaiah Pt.1: Messiah, Scattering, Restoration (1–12)
36b. Isaiah Pt.2: A Voice of Warning & Lucifer’s Fall (13–23)
37. Isaiah Pt.3: The Latter Days & the 2nd Coming (24–35)
38. Isaiah Pt.4: Hezekiah, Redemption, God of Israel (36–47)
39. Isaiah Pt.5: The Gathering & the Messiah (48–54)
40. Isaiah Pt.6 The Last Days and the Millennium (55–66)

Nahum, Zephaniah, Habakkuk, Obadiah

41a. Jer. Pt.1: His Call and Ministry (1–2,4–20,22,26, 35–36,45)
41b. Jer. Pt.2: Babylonian Captivity (21,24,27–29,32,34,37–44;46;52)
41c. Jer. Pt.3: Jeremiah’s Lamentations (Lamentations)
42. Jer. Pt.4: The Latter-Day Gathering (.3,25,30–33,46–51)
43. Ezekiel Pt.1: Watchman of Israel (Ezek 1–24, 33–34)
44. Ezekiel Pt.2: Prophecies of the Latter Day (Ezek 25-32, 35-48)
45a. Esther: Persian Queen and People’s Advocate (Esther)
45b. Daniel, Pt.1: Companion of Kings (Daniel 1, 3, 6)
46. Daniel, Pt.2: Prophecies of the Future (Daniel 2, 5, 7–12)
47a. Ezra: The Jewish Exiles Return (Ezra)
47b. Haggai: Encouragement to Rebuild the Temple (Haggai)
47c. Nehemiah: Rebuilding Walls and Wills (Nehemiah)
48a. Zechariah: Christ, Jerusalem, Armageddon (Zechariah)
48b. Joel: Captivity, Restoration, Armageddon, Millennium (Joel)
48c. Malachi: Tithing, Elijah, Great Day of the Lord (Malachi)

** The Intertestamental Period: Between the Old and New Testament
** Special chapters providing additional information



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