New Testament Lesson 29, Lesson Plan: Understanding John’s Revelation (Revelation 1-3, 12).
New Testament Lesson 28, Lesson Plan: The Epistles of John and Jude (1-3 John; Jude).
New Testament Lesson 27, Lesson Plan: The Epistles of Peter (1 & 2 Peter).
New Testament Lesson 26, Lesson Plan: The Epistle of James (James).
New Testament Lesson 25, Lesson Plan: Paul’s Pastoral Epistles and Death (1 & 2 Timothy; Titus).
New Testament Lesson 24, Lesson Plan: Paul Between Imprisonments (Hebrews).
New Testament Lesson 23, Lesson Plan: Paul at Jerusalem; Journey to Rome (Acts 21-28, Colossians; Philemon; Philppians, Ephesians).
New Testament Lesson 22, Lesson Plan: Paul’s 3rd Mission, Pt. 3 (Acts 20; Romans).
New Testament Lesson 21, Lesson Plan: Paul’s 3rd Mission, Pt. 2 (Acts 20; 2 Corinthians; Galatians).
New Testament Lesson 15, Lesson Plan: Resurrection; 40-Day Ministry; Ascension into Heaven (Mt 27-28; Mk 16; Lk 24; Jn 20-21).
New Testament Lesson 14, Lesson Plan: Gethsemane; Crucifixion; Visit to the Spirit World (Mt 26-27; Mk 14-15; Lk 22-23; Jn 17-19).
New Testament Lesson 05, Lesson Plan: Calling the Twelve Apostles (Mt 9-12, 14; Mk 2-3, 6; Lk 5-9; Jn 5).