Doctrine & Covenants Lesson 37 (D&C 98–101)
September 4–10


From 1831 to 1838, the Church had two centers of population—one in Kirtland, Ohio, and the other in western Missouri. Important events were happening in both places.

In January 1831 the first missionaries arrived in Missouri. In July 1831 Joseph Smith made his first journey to Missouri. There he received a revelation designating Missouri as the place for the city of Zion, with Independence as the center place (D&C 57:1–3). On August 2, 1831, Sidney Rigdon dedicated the land for the gathering of the Saints. The next day the Prophet Joseph Smith dedicated the temple site in Independence.

The Lord indicated from the very beginning that Zion would not be immediately established (D&C 58:1–3). The strict keeping of God’s commandments was a prerequisite in the establishment of and the perpetuation of Zion (v. 2). Tribulation would test the Saints to see if they were worthy of this great reward (v. 2). The Saints could not foresee the “design” or plan of God in bringing them all the way to Zion and then letting them fail in their objective (v. 3). The glory of Zion would come only “after much tribulation” (v. 3).

The Lord told the Saints this before it ever happened so they would “lay it to heart, and receive that which [was] to follow” (D&C 58:5). Instead of expecting the Saints to actually establish Zion (he knew they wouldn’t), the Lord had other purposes in mind (D&C 58:6–8). The Lord brought the Saints to Zion to see if they would be obedient to his word (v. 6). He sought to prepare their hearts to “bear testimony of the things which are to come” (v. 6). He desired to honor them in laying the foundation of Zion and to bear record of it (v. 7). And He wanted to let all of His Saints where Zion shall stand (v. 7).


Problems Arise with Non-Mormon Settlers
In 1832, there were more Saints living in Missouri (800) than in Ohio (150). By 1832 Missouri’s 800 Saints had gathered into five branches in Independence and the surrounding areas of Jackson County. They enjoyed a time of peace and optimism, but then troubles began to arise between the Mormons and other settlers.

Elder Joseph Fielding Smith said:

“Almost as soon as the members of the Church commenced settling in Jackson County, opposition began to show itself. The settlers were incited to violence by their ministers, who started a campaign of abuse and falsehood. . . . The Reverend Finis Ewing publicly distributed the report that ‘the Mormons were the common enemies of mankind,’ while the Reverend Pixley circulated falsehoods among the religious papers of the east, and used his influence among both the Indians and the whites for the destruction of the Church in Jackson County.

“Nearly all the Latter-day Saints were from the Eastern States, while the Missourians were from the South. The Missourians feared that the ‘Mormons’ would increase and take from them their political domination. The question of slavery, even in that day, was quite keen, and the Missourians were determined to keep the state within the control of the slave holders. Above all else, however, was their extreme hatred for the ‘Mormons’ because of their industry and belief. Some of the latter had also failed to show the proper discretion and wisdom, for they openly stated that the Lord had given them the land for their eternal inheritance, and although they were to purchase the lands, yet in time there the city Zion would be built unto which none but the faithful would be privileged to come. Such expressions aroused the Missourians to fever heat.”1

The Unfaithfulness of Some Saints

While the evil designs and lawlessness of some of the people of Missouri were major factors in Saints’ difficulties, the Lord allowed these things to come upon the Saints partly because of their own actions (D&C 101:1–8). Many had come to Zion contrary to the Lord’s express instructions not to gather “in haste” and to be adequately prepared to settle there. Some members would not accept the authority of their local Church leaders. Others criticized the Prophet Joseph, who had returned to Kirtland. Some members were contentious, covetous, selfish, and unbelieving.

The Mob Council at Independence, Missouri

On July 20, 1833, a call went out for all Missourians opposed to the Mormons to meet at the Independence courthouse. Between four and five hundred men assembled and decided that the Mormons had to be expelled, peacefully if possible, forcibly if necessary. A declaration was drawn up for presentation to the Saints. It forbade any future settlement by Mormons in the future. It allowed the Saints to settle their affairs and sell their property so long as they did so immediately. The printing office of the Evening and Morning Star was to close immediately. The leaders of the Church had to use their influence to get the Saints to comply with the provisions of the declaration. And they were given only fifteen minutes to accept the mob’s terms. There was, of course, no way for the Mormons to fulfill such terms—which is just what he mob wanted so they could have a pretext for attacking them.

Violence Erupts at Independence

Elder Joseph Fielding Smith said, “The horde of wretches started forth on their mission of destruction. . . . With the utmost fury these human fiends proceeded to the office of the Evening and Morning Star and razed it to the ground. The office was a part of the dwelling occupied by William W. Phelps. Mrs. Phelps and her children including a sick infant, were thrown out of doors amidst the furniture which was destroyed. hey then proceeded to the store of Gilbert, Whitney, and Co., bent on further destruction; but Elder Gilbert assuring them that the goods would be packed by the 23rd of that month, and no more would be sold, they left him and the store and turned their attention to personal violence. They took bishop Edward Partridge and Charles Allen, stripped them and applied a coat of tar which had been mixed with acid which burned into their flesh, and then coated them with feathers. Others of the brethren were scourged, amidst horrid yells and blasphemous oaths, while others in the excitement, for all their captors were intent upon the ‘sport,’ were able to make their escape from similar treatment by the mob.”2

Three days later, on July 23, 1833, the mob came riding through the streets again, shouting blasphemous oaths. The leading elders of the Church—John Corrill, John Whitmer, William W. Phelps, Algernon S. Gilbert, Edward Partridge, and Isaac Morley—offered themselves as a ransom for the Church, agreeing to be whipped or even killed by the mob if that would appease their wrath and spare the Church. But the mob said that “every man, woman and child would be whipped and scourged even to death if they did not leave Jackson County.” Church leaders signed a document agreeing to leave the county as soon as possible in return for a halt to the violence. But the mob failed to keep their part of the agreement and the violence continued.


The Saints Appeal to Governor Dunklin

When the hostilities broke out in Missouri, the brethren sent Oliver Cowdery to Kirtland to report to the Prophet. The Prophet sent back instructions that the Saints were to petition the governor of Missouri for redress and ask for a halt to the wrongs. On October 19 Governor Daniel Dunklin replied, encouraging the Saints to take their grievances to the courts and expressing confidence that such action would solve their problem.

Elder Joseph Fielding Smith said, “Under ordinary circumstances, the governor’s advice might have been of some worth. The conditions, however, were of no ordinary nature. The leaders of the mob were Samuel D. Lucas, judge of the county court; Samuel C. Owens, county clerk; John Smith, justice of the peace; Samuel Weston, justice of the peace; William Brown, constable; Thomas Pitcher, deputy constable; James H. Flournoy, postmaster, and Lilburn W. Boggs, lieutenant governor of the state, the latter, however, keeping in the background and aiding and abetting the others in their evil work. For the ‘Mormon’ people to accept the governor’s advice, would mean their trial would be conducted before their avowed and open enemies.”3

In his letter to the leaders of the Church in Missouri on 6 August 1833, the Prophet provided two revelations: Doctrine and Covenants 97, given 2 August 1833, and Doctrine and Covenants 98, in which the Lord warned the inhabitants in Zion to observe his commandments or they would be visited “with sore affliction, with pestilence, with plague, with sword, with vengeance, with devouring fire” (D&C 97:26). The Saints did not repent, and the promised devastations followed in November 1833.

Violence Continues and Escalates

During the first week of November, 1833, the violence against the Saints continued and escalated. Elder Joseph Fielding Smith provided the following summary:4

— On the night of October 31, about fifty marauders attacked a branch of the Church west of the Big Blue River. They unroofed and partly demolished a number of houses, whipped several men and frightened the women and children, who were forced to flee for safety.
— On the first of November, another attack was made on a branch on the prairie, fourteen miles from Independence.
— The same night another party raided the homes of the Saints in Independence, where a number of houses were demolished and the goods in the store of Gilbert, Whitney and Co., were scattered in the street. . . .
— On Monday, November 4, 1833, mobbers gathered at the Big Blue River and began to destroy property. Nineteen men, members of the Church, gathered in defense, but turned back when they saw the size of the mob. The mob pursued the ‘Mormons’ who fled in various directions for safety. A battled commenced, which left two mobbers and one Church member dead. Philo Dibble was also severely wounded, “but was almost instantly healed by the laying on of hands by Elder Newel Knight. . . .”
— During the next two days more than 1,000 Saints were driven from Jackson County in the bitter cold. Destitute, most of them crossed the Missouri River and found temporary refuge in Clay County.


President Joseph Fielding Smith said, “Seventeen days after the mobbing of the saints in Missouri, the Prophet received a revelation in which the Lord said that the prayers of saints were heard in heaven, and counsel was given them to be patient in their afflictions and not seek vengeance against their enemies. Oliver Cowdery did not leave Independence on his special mission until after the 23rd of July, and if he arrived in Kirtland before the 6th of August when this revelation [D&C 98] was received, it certainly was a miraculous journey considering the distance and the means he had of transportation. Just when he arrived we do not know, but the Prophet had learned that difficulties of a serious nature had commenced in Jackson County. Naturally the members of the Church there were extremely aroused and it was only natural that in their hearts there should be some spirit of retaliation and revenge upon their enemies. Because of this the Lord gave this revelation.”5

D&C 98:1–3   A glorious promise. The Lord promises his Saints that their hearts need not fear because their prayers have been heard by the Lord. He promises that even their afflictions shall work for their good and his glory.

D&C 98:4   The Lord requires obedience. The Saints are to do whatsoever the Lord commands concerning the law of the land (v. 4).

D&C 98:5–10   The Saints are to support the constitutional law of the land. God justifies those man-made laws that are constitutional, that support and maintain the freedom and rights of mankind. For this reason, it is important for the Saints to seek good and wise men to rule over them.

D&C 98:11–15   A warning to the Saints in Kirtland. The Saints in Kirtland did not yet know the seriousness of the problems in Missouri, so this warning means that they could also expect problems from their “enemies” and expect to be tried by the Lord.

D&C 98:19–22   The Ohio Saints did not heed this warning and were driven from the area in 1838.

Renounce War and Proclaim Peace

D&C 98:16, 23–31   Retaliation. The Lord instructs the Saints how they should act toward their enemies. They were told to be patient and not seek revenge, that they would be rewarded for sparing their enemies. How would you have felt had you been one of the Saints in Jackson County who received this revelation?

Elder Robert D. Hales taught, “Some people mistakenly think responses such as silence, meekness, forgiveness, and bearing humble testimony are passive or weak. But to ‘love [our] enemies, bless them that curse [us], do good to them that hate [us], and pray for them which despitefully use [us], and persecute [us]’ (Matthew 5:44) takes faith, strength, and, most of all, Christian courage. . . . When we do not retaliate—when we turn the other cheek and resist feelings of anger—we too stand with the Savior. We show forth His love, which is the only power that can subdue the adversary and answer our accusers without accusing them in return. That is not weakness. That is Christian courage.”6

D&C 98:32–38   War. The Saints are justified in going to war only after their enemies refuse to accept repeated offers of peace, and then only if the Lord commands.

D&C 98:39–48   Forgiving enemies. We should forgive our enemies as often as they repent. Even after bringing testimony to the Lord against an unrepentant enemy, we should be prepared to forgive whenever the enemy repents. These instructions would have had special impact on the Missouri Saints.

Elder Kevin R. Duncan said, “Brothers and sisters, please do not misunderstand. To forgive is not to condone. We do not rationalize bad behavior or allow others to mistreat us because of their struggles, pains, or weaknesses. Be we can gain greater understanding and peace when we see with a broader perspective. . . . Forgiveness is a glorious, healing principle. We do not need to be a victim twice. We can forgive.”7


Reasons for the Missouri Afflictions

D&C 97:19–27   When mob violence had first come to a head in August 1833, the Lord warned that the people of Zion would receive his protection only if they were obedient; if they were not, his judgments would come upon them as well as upon the wicked.

D&C 101   As word of the troubles in Missouri reached Joseph Smith in Kirtland, he was deeply distressed. He prayed concerning the redemption of Zion and received this revelation

D&C 101:2, 6   They were afflicted because of their transgressions.

D&C 103:1–4   Why the Lord permitted the devastations in Jackson County:

(1) That the cup of iniquity of his enemies might be filled and, therefore, a just judgment brought against them (for similar cases see Alma 14:11; 60:13).

(2) That the Saints “might be chastened for a little season” (D&C 103:4) because of their failure to heed the Lord’s commandments.

D&C 103:4   Even though the mob exhibited greater wickedness, the Saints were chastened by the Lord because “they did not hearken altogether unto the precepts and commandments” which the Lord had given to them. They had already been taught that “of him unto whom much is given much is required” (D&C 82:3).

D&C 101:4–5   They were afflicted also because they needed to be “chastened and tried, even as Abraham.”

The Prophet Joseph Smith said, “Those who cannot endure persecution, and stand in the day of affliction, cannot stand in the day when the Son of God shall burst the veil, and appear in all the glory of His Father, with all the holy angels.”8

D&C 95:1   Purposes for which the Lord chastens His people:

D&C 105:6   The Lord’s chastening is a demonstration of His love for us, and it helps us learn obedience and remember Him.
Helaman 12:3

D&C 101:7–8   They were afflicted because some of the Saints had been slow to hearken unto the Lord. People sometimes forget God and disregard His counsel “in the day of their peace.”

The Purposes of Adversity

D&C 98:12,14–15   To prove whether we will keep our covenants in all circumstances.

D&C 101:4–5   To be chastened and tried as Abraham was.

D&C 136:31   The be prepared to receive the glory of Zion and God’s Kingdom.

D&C 101:1–2   Some adversity is the result of our transgressions.

D&C 122:7   To give us experience and help us grow.

D&C 121:8   To see whether we will “endure well” our trials.

The Reasons for the Lord’s Chastening

D&C 90:36   Chastening is a cleansing process.

D&C 95:1   Chastening may lead to the forgiveness of sins.

D&C 105:6   Chastening teaches us obedience.

Job 23:10   Chastening refines us as pure gold.

Words of Compassion and Chastening

D&C 101:9   He would not cast them off and would be merciful “in the day of wrath.”

D&C 101:10-12   The “sword of mine indignation” will fall upon their enemies.

— v. 11   The phrase “without measure” means the Lord’s wrath will not be limited or restrained but will come with great fury and intensity.

President Joseph Fielding Smith said, “While there was punishment in the suffering the saints had to endure and that because they were slow to hear the Lord, nevertheless the actions of their enemies were not justifiable; and therefore the Lord promised that he would let fall the sword of his indignation in behalf of his people. The sword of indignation commenced to fall upon the enemies of the saints shortly after the saints were driven from Missouri, and from time to time it has fallen, both in this land and in foreign lands.”9

D&C 101:11–15   He will save, gather, and comfort His Saints.

D&C 101:16–19   Zion will be redeemed in the future.

D&C 101:29   During the Millennium, there will be no sorrow or death.

D&C 101:30–31   A person will grow old, then be changed suddenly from mortal to immortal life.

D&C 101:32–34   The Lord will reveal all things about the earth and heaven, including how the earth was created and what will become of it.

D&C 101:35–38   We can keep our mortal life in proper perspective when we have a knowledge of the Lord’s eternal promises.

Instructions for the Exiled Saints

D&C 101:43–62   Seek the redemption of Zion. This parable is about the future redemption of Zion

— v. 60   When the servant in the parable asked when the land would be possessed, the Lord responded, “When I will.”

— v. 62   These things will be fulfilled “after many days.”

— The redemption of Zion (meaning, the city of New Jerusalem in Missouri) is still future.

D&C 101:63–75   Continue the work of the gathering to those places the Lord has appointed (His stakes).

D&C 101:21-22   Make our stakes “holy places.”

D&C 93:51–53   We are also to bless others through missionary work and to perform whatever other assignments come to us “for the salvation of Zion.”

D&C 100:1–11   Some specific instructions concerning missionary work:

— vv. 1–2   The Lord cares for the families of those engaged full-time in his service.

— vv. 3–5   The Church President opened a missionary “door” to Canada. Thus began the great labor in Canada that was to result in the conversion of many souls. It was through this “door” that Parley Pratt walked some two years later to contact John Taylor, future President of the Church.

— vv. 6–8   The Lord’s agents are to speak as moved upon by the Holy Ghost.

President Wilford Woodruff said, “I will say as Paul did, ‘Woe be unto me if I preach not the Gospel’ [1 Cor. 9:16]. I will say . . . the judgments of God will rest upon us if we do not do it. You may ask why. I answer, because a dispensation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ has never been given to man in ancient days or in this age, for any other purpose than for the salvation of the human family.”10

— vv. 9–11   Clarifies the complementary roles of Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon.
— Sidney would be Joseph’s spokesman to the world.
— Joseph would be God’s revelator to Sidney as well as to the world.
— Exodus 4:16   A similar relationship existed between Moses and Aaron.

D&C 100:13–17   The difficulties in Missouri were for the Saints’ good. This chastening could help purify the people, qualifying them to establish Zion [D&C 97:21].


D&C 101:76–95   Seek for redress. The Saints followed the Lord’s counsel and sought for redress at the local, state, and national levels. They were denied help, so the Saints left the responsibility for judging in the hands of the Lord and moved on.

D&C 101:96–101   Hold claim on their property in Jackson County. Even though Zion had been temporarily abandoned, the Lord had not set it aside. It shall yet become the center place of Zion.


1.  Essentials in Church History, 27th ed. [1974], 131–132.
2.  Essentials in Church History, 134.
3.  Essentials in Church History, 136.
4.  Essentials in Church History, 136-137.
5.  Church History and Modern Revelation, 2:191, 193.
6.  “Christian Courage: The Price of Discipleship,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2008, 72.
7.  “The Healing Ointment of Forgiveness,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2016, 35.
8.  Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, 42.
9.  Church History and Modern Revelation, 1:460.
10.  In Journal of Discourses, 22:204.