“Fear Not. . . . For with God Nothing Shall Be Impossible”

Luke 1:30, 37

30 And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favour with God. . . .
37 For with God nothing shall be impossible.

Elder Tad R. Callister said:

“Mary and Joseph learned early in life that for every problem God has a solution. To Mary, the angel said: ‘Fear not. . . . For with God nothing shall be impossible’ (Luke 1:30, 37). . . .

“When Mary learned of her divine calling to bear the Son of God, undoubtedly a flood of issues and concerns raced through her mind. After all, she was betrothed to Joseph—what would he think? The angel from heaven then counseled, ‘Fear not’ (Luke 1:30). When Joseph learned of Mary’s pregnancy, he saw no satisfactory solution other than to break the engagement. But again the angel counseled, ‘Fear not’ (Matthew 1:20). It was the same heavenly direction that had previously been given to Zacharias (see Luke 1:13) and that would later be given to the shepherds: ‘Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy’ (Luke 2:10). . . .

“The angel’s counsel for Mary and Joseph to ‘fear not’ was more than customized instruction for their individual problems. It was a universal salutation for all people because Mary and Joseph would play a unique role in the Savior’s ministry, which ministry would make it possible to eliminate all fears of all people of all ages.

“Because of the Savior’s birth, life, and Atonement, there are no unsolvable problems. There are temporary tragedies and difficulties, of course, but they need not be permanent or unconquerable. Can you imagine anyone having a problem God cannot solve? He always has a solution that will advance our eternal progress. That is both the reason for and essence of the Atonement. That is why Mormon said, ‘Ye shall have hope through the atonement of Christ’ (Moroni 7:41). . . .

“Our Heavenly Father wanted Mary and Joseph to commence the uncertain path of life without fear, knowing His Son was there with all His saving powers. He wants us to likewise learn this lesson early in life: ‘Fear not. . . . For with God nothing shall be impossible’ (Luke 1:30, 37).”

(“Fear Not,” Ensign, Dec. 2010, 42, 44.)