WeekDate PostedLessonLesson DateLesson Title
112/26/2022101/01/2023“Another Testament of Jesus Christ”
201/02/2023201/08/2023“I Will Go and Do”
301/09/2023301/15/2023“Come and Partake of the Fruit”
401/16/2023401/22/2023“Armed with Righteousness and the Power of God”
501/23/2023501/29/2023“I Will Prepare the Way Before You”
601/30/2023602/05/2023“We Lived After the Manner of Happiness”
702/06/2023702/12/2023“O How Great the Plan of Our God”
802/13/2023802/19/2023“We Rejoice in Christ”
902/20/2023902/26/2023“A Marvelous Work and a Wonder”
1002/27/20231003/05/2023“This Is the Way”
1103/06/20231103/12/2023“Be Reconciled Unto God Through the Atonement of Christ”
1203/13/20231203/19/2023“The Lord Labors With Us”
1303/20/20231303/26/2023“He Works In Me to Do His Will”
1504/03/20231504/09/2023“He Shall Rise . . . With Healing In His Wings” (Easter)
1604/10/20231604/16/2023“Filled With Love Towards God and All Men”
1704/17/20231704/23/2023“A Mighty Change”
1804/24/20231804/30/2023“In the Strength of the Lord”
1905/01/20231905/07/2023“A Light . . . That Can Never Be Darkened”
2005/08/20232005/14/2023“We Have Entered Into a Covenant With Him”
2105/15/20232105/21/2023“They Were Called the People of God”
2205/22/20232205/28/2023“They Were Steadfast and Immovable”
2305/29/20232306/04/2023“Have Ye Received This Mighty Change In Your Hearts? ”
2406/05/20232406/11/2023“Jesus Christ Will Come To Redeem His People”
2506/12/20232506/18/2023“Enter Into the Rest of the Lord”
2606/19/20232606/25/2023“I Will Make An Instrument of Thee”
2706/26/20232707/02/2023“They Never Did Fall Away”
2807/03/20232807/09/2023“The Virtue of the Word of God”
2907/10/20232907/16/2023“Plant This Word In Your Hearts”
3007/17/20233007/23/2023“Look To God and Live”
3107/24/20233107/30/2023“The Great Plan of Happiness”
3207/31/20233208/06/2023“Stand Fast In the Faith of Christ”
3308/07/20233308/13/2023“Preserved by His Marvelous Power”
3408/14/20233408/20/2023“The Rock of Our Redeemer”
3508/21/20233508/27/2023“Remember the Lord”
3608/28/20233609/03/2023“Glad Tidings of Great Joy”
3709/04/20233709/10/2023“Lift Up Your Head and Be of Good Cheer”
3809/11/20233809/17/2023“Arise and Come Forth Unto Me”
3909/18/20233909/24/2023“I Am the Law and the Light”
4009/25/20234010/01/2023“Behold, My Joy Is Full”
4110/02/20234110/08/2023“Ye Are the Children of the Covenant”
4210/09/20234210/15/2023“There Could Not Be a Happier People”
4310/16/20234310/22/2023“I Would That I Could Persuade All. . .To Repent”
4410/23/20234410/29/2023“I Speak Unto You as If Ye Were Present”
4510/30/20234511/05/2023“Rend That Veil of Unbelief”
4611/06/20234611/12/2023“That Evil May Be Done Away”
4711/13/20234711/19/2023“By Faith All Things Are Fulfilled”
4811/20/20234811/26/2023“To Keep Them In the Right Way”
4911/27/20234912/03/2023“May Christ Lift Thee Up”
5012/04/20235012/10/2023Come Unto Christ, and Be Perfected In Him
5212/18/20235212/24/2023“He Shall Come Into the World To Redeem His People”
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