Old Testament Study Guide, Pt. 2: Deuteronomy to Solomon


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We read Moses’ counsel to his people during the final days before his translation. We follow the children of Israel into the Promised Land under the leadership of Joshua, beginning at Jericho and ending with the total conquering of all the lands promised to Abraham. We are introduced to the Judge-Heroes, including but not limited to Gideon, Deborah, and Samson. We read of the rise of the prophet Samuel and reigns of Saul, David, and Solomon.

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This volume is the second of three study guides on the Old Testament. It covers the Bible from the Book of Deuteronomy to the reign of King Solomon.

We read Moses’ counsel to his people during the final days before his translation.

We follow the children of Israel into the Promised Land under the leadership of Joshua, beginning at Jericho and ending with the total conquering of all the lands promised to Abraham.

We are introduced to the Judge-Heroes, including but not limited to Gideon, Deborah, and Samson.

We read of the rise of the prophet Samuel and reigns of Saul, David, and Solomon.

We thrill at the faith and gifts of David and mourn his fall from grace.

We are inspired by the wisdom of Solomon and the beauty of the House of Lord He built at Jerusalem, but are saddened by his idolatry in his old age. Along the way, we become familiar with the ministries and teachings of Elijah, and Elisha, and the courage and faith of Job.

The cover features an extremely rare photograph of the rock (es-Sakhara) inside the Dome of the Rock, which at one time stood inside the Holy of Holies of Solomon’s temple.

Table of Contents

17. Moses’ Exhortations to Obedience (Deuteronomy)
17a. Moses’ 1st Speech: Israel’s Experiences/Choices (Deuteronomy 1–4)
17b. Moses’ 2nd Speech: Reviewing the Law (Deuteronomy 5–25)
17c. Moses’ 3rd Speech: Prophesies, Blessings, Cursing (Deuteronomy 26–30)
18. Joshua Leads Israel into the Promised Land (Joshua)
19. Apostasy and the Judge-Heroes of Israel (Judges)
20. Ruth and Hannah’s Examples of Righteousness (Ruth; 1 Samuel 1)
21. Samuel and Saul (1 Samuel 2–8; 1 Chronicles 9–16)
22. King Saul and the Rise of David (1 Samuel 9–17)
23. King David: Saul’s Hatred/Jonathan’s Friendship (1 Samuel 18–31)
24. King David’s Rule, Fall, & Remorse (2 Samuel)
25. King David’s Artistic Legacy (Psalms)
26. King Solomon’s Rise & Fall (1 Kings 1–11)
27. Israel Divided; Sinks into Apostasy/Captivity (1 Kings 12–16; 2 Kings 1–24; 2 Chr 12–20)
28. The Prophet Elijah (1 Kings 17–22; 2 Kings 1)
29. The Prophet Elisha (2 Kings 2–13)
30. The Temple of Solomon (1 Kings 5–9; 2 Chronicles 29–34)
31. The Wisdom of Solomon (Proverbs; Eccles)
32. Job’s Adversity (Job)



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